We are so thankful to have Glenn Sumi and The Toronto Star stop by for a visit to our haunted home on Queen St E!









A snippet:

“When Red Sandcastle founder Rosemary Doyle left in 2021 to head Theatre Kingston, Woolfe and Prosser took over running the space; Woolfe becoming managing director and Prosser general manager. They made Eldritch Theatre the east-end venue’s resident theatre company.

Since then, they’ve quickly made the spot a hub for intriguing, independent work, a place to mount a mini festival, a one-nighter or remount of a show that’s successfully played Fringe spots out of town.

In September, the ever popular Sandra Shamas workshopped her new solo show at the Red Sandcastle. Hamilton playwright Stephen Near’s “Whale Fall,” which wowed Fringes in Hamilton and Vancouver, gets a run there in mid-November.

“There are no places where you can develop a show anymore that are affordable,” said Woolfe, whose company put on shows all over town before finding the intimate venue.

“At most places, the rent costs more than you could possibly make at the box office. So the existence of a place like this means you can produce a show without it being a foregone conclusion that you’re going to lose money.”

The Red Sandcastle has a great moody neighbourhood feel that’s enhanced by the window displays of Mental Floss Sideshow, whose collections of arcane artifacts and paraphernalia oddly help set the mood and atmosphere for the creepy happenings within.”